by Kahukuraariki | Oct 3, 2023 | News
Kia ora, As of 2nd October, we’re 183 business days from our go-live on 1 July 2024. As key parties involved and connected to the establishment of the water services entity for Northland and Auckland, I am pleased to share how we are progressing our transition plans...
by Kahukuraariki | Sep 22, 2023 | AGM Financials, AGM Minutes, News
Tena koutou, please find attached our Annual Report 2023 for our AGM at Otangaroa, Saturday 30th Sept...
by Kahukuraariki | Sep 22, 2023 | News
Tēnā koe E mihi ana i runga i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. On Monday you received an email announcing that the Government has launched public consultation on how central government can support local government decision making on new development in areas that are at high...
by Kahukuraariki | Sep 13, 2023 | News
12 September 2023 Ahatia ngā whiunga ā-āhuarangi he iwi manawaroa tātou E ngā maunga e tū tonu rā, e ngā awa e rere rā, e ngā moana a papaki mai rā, tēnā koutou. Maringi noa ngā roimata mō ngā aitua, haere ki te okioikingā o te tangata. Tātou e noho moke nei tēnā...