Tena koutou,

Apologies if you have received this email twice, we had a glitch in our distribution list yesterday.

Census 2023 – Tuesday 7th March 2023

Census is our chance to represent ourselves, our whānau, our Iwi – census gives us the power to create change that benefits all of us.

The online option is the easiest way… make sure you choose Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa as one of your Iwi options, if you are doing the paper copy, please write Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa Iwi, see the link to the answers to all your questions https://www.census.govt.nz

New Facebook Page

We have a new Kahukuraariki facebook page with an Instagram to come, please share with your whanau and marae https://www.facebook.com/kahukuraariki.iwi.nz and keep an eye on our page for all news and updates.

Update Details

Have you moved? Has your whanau changed in the last year? Please send us an email updating your details so we can update our database admin@kahukuraariki.iwi.nz

This makes it easier for us to contact you and send panui, please share with whanau who may not be registered with Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa and we can help them to register.

Nga mihi

Kahukuraariki Trust Board