Tēnā koe,

I have been asked to forward the below to contacts that I have on the consultation on FNDC’s policy on Class 4 gaming (pokies) and TAB.

Far North District Council is proposing some changes to its Class 4 Gaming and TAB Venue Policy This policy controls the number and location of pokie machine venues in the district.

The council already has a ‘sinking lid’ policy on the number of pokie machines, which means that no new Class 4 venues are allowed, and machines can’t be redistributed. The main changes we’re proposing are to make sure that the whole policy is in line with this sinking lid approach, and to update it, by:

  • clarifying what is meant by a ‘sinking lid’ policy
  • applying the sinking lid approach to standalone TAB venues (no new standalone TAB venues allowed)
  • updating out-of-date information
  • bringing the criteria for relocation into line with the sinking lid approach, (e.g. venues can’t move into areas of higher deprivation).

You can find out more about the policy and proposed changes in the Statement of Proposal on council’s website.

You can have your say online www.fndc.govt.nz/have-your-say, email submissions@fndc.govt.nz, or post to: Strategy Development Team, Far North District Council, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440.

This consultation is open from 15 February 2023 to 15 March 2023. We’d appreciate your feedback on the draft policy.