An invitation and warm welcome is extended to you for our upcoming hui. This will take place across eight regions, in person and broadcast live as Tui (Teams hui). The hui are hosted by Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service.

Come and talk to us about forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Learn about changes to the administration of the ETS that may have a significant impact on you and your forestry interests. If you are a consultant or administrator you will need to know about these changes and their impacts.

  • Tell us about your interests in the ETS – take the survey.
  • Are you thinking about the ETS and forestry?
  • Do you want to know more about the ETS?

Learn about some of the related services at the Ministry for Primary Industries that might help you with ETS decisions. Find out about sources of funding and other support.

See our programme below and register.

Rārangi Take

9:30am Mihi whakatau

Morning session

9:40am Kaupapa – What is today about?
10:00am High level changes to ETS administration
10:45am Break
11:00am What do these changes mean?
12:30pm Lunch

Afternoon session

1:00pm About your interests in ETS – survey
1:30pm Other related changes
2:45pm Summing up
3:00pm Close


Register link below whanau