Tena koutou.
Voting for the Kahukuraariki Trust Board Election has now closed and results are being finalised.
Postal and online voting for the Special Resolutions regarding the ownership of Stoney Creek Station and Amendments to the Trust Deed have also closed. Postal votes dated on or before the 5th of March will be included.
Your final opportunity to vote on the Special Resolutions in person will be on Saturday the 12th March from 9am until 10am at:
- Wesleydale Memorial Church, 27 Leigh Street Kaeo; or
- Election Services Office, Level 2, 198 Federal Street, Auckland.
If you have any questions, please phone Election Services on 0800 922 822.
The outcomes of the trustee election and voting on the Special Resolutions will be announced on or before the 14th of March.
Noho ora mai koutou katoa.