Kōkirihia – The plan for removing streaming from our schools

Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group (MILG) supports Tokona te Raki Māori Futures Collective with the release of their new report, Kōkirihia – The plan for removing streaming from our schools, outlining a Call to Action to end streaming in Aotearoa’s schools.

The development of this report was led by Tokona te Raki Māori Futures Collective, a group of passionate change makers who dream of a fair and equitable Aotearoa. In 2020, Tokona te Raki released “Ending Streaming in Aotearoa, He Awa Ara Rau” which shared four case studies of schools taking positive steps to find a fair and equitable approach to learning for their students.

In early 2021, representatives from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and MILG approached Tokona te Raki to design an action plan to drive the desired outcome of ending streaming in Aotearoa. The design team included representation from MILG, rangatahi, high school principals, MoE, New Zealand Educational Institute | Te Riu Roa, CORE Education Tātai Aho Rau, universities, New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association / Te Wehengarua, The Professional Learning Association New Zealand Te Māngai Whakangungu Kaiako o Aotearoa (PLANZ), New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and The Education Review Office / Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.

We believe that this is a crucial step towards creating a fair and equitable education system that provides the best possible outcomes for all students. MILG will continue to work alongside the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders to ensure that the recommendations outlined in this report are implemented effectively and efficiently. We advocate for ‘te ora o te whānau’ and the belief that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential and we are committed to making this a reality for all students in Aotearoa.

Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group fully supports the call to action outlined in this report and the efforts of Tokona te Raki Māori Futures Collective in leading the charge to end streaming in Aotearoa.

For more information on this report, please visit the Ending Streaming website or contact tokonateraki@ngaitahu.iwi.nz.



Broadcaster notes: Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group or M-I-L-G not milg