Tēnā koutou katoa!!!

I understand that this is a very trying time for many of our rohe throughout the motu, and the smaller kainga, hapū and takiwā within them, post the floods and outcomes of Cyclone Gabrielle, and in some regions devastation even prior to this.

Te Matapihi are needing your assistance to fill out a google sheet in response to your immediate (URGENT)  needs following Cyclone Gabrielle. I am trying to make contact with all Māori providers in areas impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle to ascertain the specific needs of Māori communities in specific locations. This information will then be sent to representatives of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), regional emergency management centers, and key government housing agencies.

Please fill in the google sheet and I will check it by 10. am tomorrow, and forward it by 11. am to NEMA.
Reminder it a live document, which means that any changes made will be done instantly, it will also save automatically!
Fill out your information using one row, and the boxes will give you more space automatically.

Below is the link, share to those who need it;

Ngā Manaakitanga