Kia ora koutou e ngā whanaunga

The Pūhoro STEMM Academy is coming to Whangārei on the afternoon of 21 Oct for a Ministerial launch of the kaupapa into Tai Tokerau (specifically Whangārei).

As whanaunga hapū iwi and those working in these spaces, we extend the invitation to attend the launch event as the kaupapa extends to the north.

This will be an opportunity learn and understand more about the opportunities Pūhoro can provide to our tai tamariki in secondary schools to access kaupapa Māori STEMM programmes.


As whanaunga can we meet at the marae at 2:15pm to whakarite ourselves for the pōwhiri of the kaupapa into Te Rohe o Whangārei.

Please RSVP your attendance to Natalie