Tēnā Tatou Katoa,

Currently, as a country, we are undergoing the largest health reform in the colonial history of Aotearoa. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, New Zealand Public Health established itself in Aotearoa. Since inception, the scope of Māori Public Health has been defined by the general, white stream, public health agenda. For the first time, we have the opportunity, as whakapapa Māori active within our hapū, iwi, workplaces and communities, to authentically design the Māori Public Health agenda moving forward into the future. Hāpai Te Hauora is tasked with facilitating the conversation and invites you to participate in a 1-day wānanga to help form our national Māori Public Health agenda.

This activity is funded by the Māori Provider Development Scheme, and due to this, will be restricted to attendance by Māori only, and within the Auckland Metro DHB catchment to maintain the size of the roopu online for our facilitators. Please share this panui with your networks accordingly, especially to others outside of health who have an interest in this kaupapa. For those who have received this panui outside of the Auckland Metro area, please signal your interest as we are scoping the potential to bring this kaupapa around the motu.

Registration: To attend please register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.