Tēna anō koutou katoa,

E tata ana te tāenga mai a Hana Koko, nā reira , kia horo tā tātou āta hāere.

Please find attached Panui #5 to keep you all abreast of developments with Te Pouahi o te Taitokerau.

roud to share that we have secured a Crown commitment of $55million to invest in whanau and whare in our region:  https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/support-package-build-new-homes-te-taitokerau

And while this is a significant milestone, there is still much mahi to be done and with speed.

We are doing our best to keep everyone up to date with our plans and progress since we last met at the Kohewhata marae, Kaikohe on October 5th and want to make sure we make the time to korero amongst ourselves.

We warmly invite you all to join our next Te Pouahi Nui hui at Whitiora Marae, Te Tii (https://maorimaps.com/marae/whitiora) on Wednesday 16th November 10am-1pm where we will share more about the kaupapa and answer any questions you may have.