Te Tai Tokerau Climate Action Week and Conference

Climate-action-week-draft-programme.pdf’ Te Tai Tokerau Climate Action Week and Conference Kaupapa Raise awareness of ecological regeneration, biodiversity and the water cycle for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Raise the mana of mātauranga Māori as a vital...

Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group

Attached here is the draft position paper pulled together by the ICF Freshwater IAG (technical team) that is subject to one last review. The document is consistent with the direction already provided by the Freshwater ILG and wider National Iwi Chairs Forum, through...

Te Aka Pūtaiao (Kaupae 5)

Te Aka Pūtaiao (Kaupae 5) The level 5 certificate in environmental studies provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to examine traditional and contemporary models of science relating to the environment. The programme aims to: provide opportunities...