Pānui | News

WAI 3365 The Maori Wards and Constituencies Urgent Report

Please find Judge Sarah Reeves Urgency Report re the coalition government's bill to do a U Turn on Māori wards. "Māori around the country have clearly expressed their preference to be involved in decision-making at the local level as an expression of their tino...

Primary Care and Community Workforce Funding

Health New Zealand launches funding to boost workforce development for Primary and Community Care The interim New Zealand Health Plan, Te Pae Tata, identifies that strengthening primary and community care helps reduce the risk and burden of disease, reduces demand for...

Exotic caulerpa found at two new Hauraki Gulf locations

Kia ora koutou I’m writing to advise that exotic caulerpa has been confirmed at two new locations in the Hauraki Gulf - the Mokohinau Islands and Rakino Island. These new detections are disappointing but not unexpected, given the ability for exotic caulerpa to be...

Draft Submission Template re NRCs Freshwater Plan Change

Kia ora koutou katoa Please find attached a condensed version of the earlier submission template FYI.  On page 5 we have picked up on the 'Local Water Done Well' kaupapa which we didn't identify in the earlier template and so I need to bring it to your attention. Also...