April Hetaraka

Trustee Mangatowai Marae People’s person understanding the value and worth of not just whanau but vulnerable communities. Scooping the community to be in the NO of what’s working, what’s not working? Is crucial to learning the environment you will be working within. I...

David Manuel

Trustee Otangaroa Marae 1. Whakapapa and whenua connect David to Waihapa, Waimahana, Taemaro and Otangaroa marae. 2. David has more than 40 years’ experience, as a certified carpenter which allowed him the honour of designing and project management of the new...

Roger Kingi

Trustee Te Komanga Marae Roger has a background as a builder, is Chair of Karangahape Marae (Whangaroa), and Regional Coordinator for Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Roger was one of the initial trustees of Kahukuraariki Trust and before that the Ngātikahu ki...

Hone JJ Ripikoi

Trustee Taemaro Marae JJ is a proud descendent of several iwi, including Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa, Ngāpuhi, Ngati Paoa, and Ngāti Hine. JJ currently serves as a Community Engagement Advisor at Statistics NZ and has recently been appointed as the Programme Manager for...